Spring has sprung, well almost
It might be more appropriate to say that Spring is loading!
- However, it must be a bit warmer in other parts of Australia as we have seen the first trickle of Australian stone fruit filtering into the market this week and we have white peaches and nectarines on the shelf from today.
- Mangoes have had a bit of a flat start to their season as Northern Territory fruit is finally starting to land in Melbourne in greater numbers this week. The higher volumes has seen the market price come back with size 20 KP’s retailing for around the $4 mark. Mango volumes will increase for a few weeks before the NT season ends and we move onto the Queensland season.
- Spring is the best time of the year to enjoy Asparagus and as usual the Cammarano family are doing a beautiful job of this year’s crop. We have the medium size spears in bunches and the Jumbos being sold by the kg. Personally, I love the big fat jumbo asparagus spears. I like to split them in half long ways and fry or char grill them. Great on there own or served with a nice rack of lamb and some white beans or broad beans. Lovley!
- Broccoli, Cauliflower & cabbage, have been in short supply a couple of weeks ago but are now coming to market in good numbers. Price has been up and down like the Luna Park Roller Coaster.
- Potatoes and onions are coming to the end of the current season and this has led to some quality issues and price rises. Washed potatoes will likely jump in price a little over the next couple of weeks until the (new season) South Australian growers start harvesting.
- Mandarins, navel oranges, apples and grapefruit are still in good supply and offer great value at the moment. We have also seen increased availability on Rock Melons and we have some beautiful fruit going out for just $2.99 each this week. A small number of Victorian strawberries have also started and some amazing blueberries out of Western Australia.
Fruitfully Yours, Dean