Welcome to the first Market Report of 2025, we aim to keep you up to date and help you understand why there are fluctuations in the fresh Fruit & Vegetable market to help your budget go further
- Most people notice the years flipping by with important dates like Birthdays, Christmas and Easter, but Green Grocers mark the year with the changing of the seasons. I can’t believe it is already that time of year when we see the first of our new seasons apples & pears, this means soon I’ll be another year older.
- This year apple season has started about 2 weeks earlier than normal and we have lovely new season Royal Galas and delicious Ginger Gold Apples. Plus we have Small Pink Ladys out in the verandah, the perfect size for kids lunch boxes, at only $3.99 / kg. Check our website for a recipe for Apple Frangipane Tart with Miso Caramel.
- New season pears are also available and we currently have Paradise Pears , Corella Pears, Red Angel Pears, Crystal Pears and my favourite pear - the ‘Williams’ bon Chretien’ or the Williams pear as it is commonly called. It’s worth noting that Williams pears ripen very quickly and so you should only buy what you can eat in a few days. At only $1.99 per kilo for the first pick Williams these are great value right. We have a recipe for a Pear, Rocket, Blue Cheese & Walnut Salad also on the website.
- Lunar New Year has seen an influx of Australian Dragon Fruit and delicious small seedless Watermelon to the market, quality and value of these are excellent.
- Sauce Tomatoes are currently available in boxes in both field grown rounds and Roma varieties. Best to check in store to see current availability and pricing, as this is changing each Market Day at the moment. And remember the Kyneton Show in November, and put a jar or bottle aside. See our website for an English Style Tomato Chutney recipe.
- Don’t miss your chance to get cherries and apricots as the season is fast drawing to a close, we currently have excellent quality fruit out of Tasmania but that will finish in around 2 weeks.
- Peaches, nectarines and plums are still in good supply and eating quality is excellent giving good value for money. Once again check our website for an Upside Down Plum Cake recipe.
- On a not so good note, Mushrooms have been a bit short in supply due to seasonal fluctuations and the SA fires have impacted delivery times resulting in slightly higher prices and market shortages.
- Most other vegetable lines have been in good supply resulting in excellent quality and great value for money for consumers.
- Grapes and Melons are also in peak season and eating well. Make our Quinoa Salad with Red Crimson Grapes and Fetta, and you guessed it, recipe on our website.
- So take advantage of the choices on offer in store at the moment it really is a great time of year for fresh produce.
Fruitfully Yours, Dean