Spring is in Full Swing!
Welcome to this weeks Market Report -
- Warmer Weather and longer days is having a positive impact on local crops, with Gippsland Peas, Beans and Snow Peas all coming to market in high quality.
- Bunch lines are also looking good with French Tarragon coming back on line.
- This week has also seen great value on English Spinach which we have on special at $2.50 per bunch.
- Asparagus is in peak season right now and good quality Globe Artichokes are probably the cheapest price we have seen in the last 5 years at just $2 per head
- Strawberries and Blueberries are still abundant and Raspberries and Blackberries are slowly coming back online. The quality of these lines is excellent and supply will only improve with the good weather.
- Mango stocks are increasing but other tropical fruit like Papaya and Bananas are still quite short on supply in the North.
- New Season Potatoes are currently coming out of Qld and good quality washed Potatoes are still coming from SA and represent great value.
Remember to check the bottom of the online shop page for the weekly Market Specials & Watt’s New in Season too