Spring Weather & Prices up and down!
- As is typical during the spring growing period prices and weather tend to be up and down. Mostly however market prices are depressed due to lack of demand keeping prices fairly low with a few exceptions.
- Zucchinis and red capsicums have been a bit short in supply as we swap over to Victorian growers and QLD growers wrap up their season and this has seen about a 30% increase in price on these lines. I think this will be short lived as production will ramp up with the improving temperatures and day length
- Bananas have been extremely short and have been about the only line that has consistently held ahigh price over the last month with no sign of coming down.
- Watermelon has also been short but I saw much higher volumes hitting the floor this morning so I expect to see prices fall sharply over the next week or so.
- Stone fruit is starting to hit the market floor in higher volumes and this is being reflected in lower prices each week. Peaches and nectarines are seeing good volumes.
- I expect to see cherries maybe the end of this week and apricots will probably not be too far away after that.
- If you want to make any of your own preserves remember that apricots will peak before Christmas so don’t leave it too late. Aim to be tackling these jobs by mid-November.
- Top Market buys for this week include Spring Cabbages For $3.95 each, Broad Beans at$6.95kg and the Royal Blue Potatoes, 5kg for $4 . We also have some class 2 small/medium Romas for $25 box.
- Fruitfully Yours….