The Autumn season for produce is really kicking in with many changes across both fruit and vegetable lines.
- Stone fruit has all but finished with plums being the last good fruit of the season. Queensland mandarins are beginning to trickle in with good numbers of Afourer mandarins now available.
- Grapefruits and oranges are quite short in supply and greater numbers are not expected until after easter. This is causing market prices to hold firm.
- Broccoli and Cauliflowers have finally eased a little on price but supply is still fairly tight.
- Brassica lines are still in very short supply, with broccoli, cauli and cabbage seeing quite dramatic price increases
- Cabbage have been a real problem with drastic shortages across all varieties, Red, Green, Savoy, and even Wombok have had very high prices for the past two weeks and price looks likely to hold as we come into autumn due to stock shortages.
- Pumpkin is abundant and this is reflected in the lower shelf price for all pumpkin varieties.
- Potatoes are still quite firm on price mostly due to the higher cost of production and it is unlikely to fall much for the foreseeable future.
- Autumn is a great time for a wider offering with a few exotics like Ju Jube, Custard Apples, Dragon fruit, persimmons, papples, Missile apples, red pears and even good old fashioned Johnnie apples filling the shelves.
- Take the opportunity to try something different as the seasons change.
Cheers, Dean