Keep up the Vitamin C!
- In the market this week we are seeing the arrival of Tangelos, Honey Murcott and Empress Mandarins. Cara Cara Navels are also in good supply and great value with smaller fruit for just $1.99kg. Nature knows we need good levels of vitamin C in our system to keep our immune system boosted for the cold season, so make sure you take your lead from nature and load up on the citrus!
- Leafy greens like Silverbeet, spinach, kale and chard are all excellent so far this year thanks to very little hale and overall mild conditions for growing. Cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage are also in good supply. (Whole small cabbage this week for just $5- each).
- Berries are still in short supply but quality is very good. Raspberries are probably the best value at the moment but watch this space because I have noticed higher volumes of blueberries hitting the market and I expect the price will come down over the next couple of weeks. Strawberries however are still quite short in supply.
- We have once again increased our offering of certified organic produce and this week you will find, Cauliflower, onions, potatoes, celery, lemons, pumpkin, leeks and apples. As long as sales of organic produce are strong, we will continue to grow this range.
- Other notable specials this week are Shepard Avocadoes - still great value at just 0.89cents each and Breakfast Flat Mushrooms at only 5.99/kg. Other specials of note this week are small 2nds Passionfruit at 5 for $3
- While it might seem like winter is here to stay, rest assured spring is not really far away. In four days, we pass our shortest day of the year and then each day from there will grace us with a few extra minutes of light. Before we know it, the wattle will be in bloom and the daffodils will be pushing through the soil.
- In the meantime, make the most of winter with plenty of citrus to keep you healthy and hearty soups to warm you up.
Cheers, Dean