Spring is always a challenging time for growers.
- It seems one day feels like a prelude to summer and the next it feels like a sequel to winter. It’s challenging for several reasons - Obviously, the changeable weather creates spikes in demand for salad vegetables that sometimes only last for one or two days. The other is many growers are trying to swap from winter to summer varieties right now. The problem is the Summer varieties need more heat and the remaining winter varieties that are still being picked want to bolt to seed. Overall supply is for most lines is good though zucchini and beans have had a little upward pressure on price as Queensland crops finish and Victorian crops are a little slow to come to full production quantities
- This week we have some trays of QLD strawberries going out for $20 (18 x 250g punnets), these are great value. Victorian strawberries are starting and while the quality is good the flavor has not yet developed.
- The Australian stone fruit season is off to a great start with both nectarines and peaches beginning to filter into the market.
- Mangoes are also increasing in supply and We should start to see some cherries and apricots by the end of October.
- If you are looking for a bargain jump on those trays of strawberries for $20 , we also have 5kg Royal Blue spuds at just $4 and small whole rockies for just $2-
Remember to check the bottom of the online shop page for the weekly Market Specials & Watt’s New in Season too