It finally feels like summer is here and that brings a new set of challenges for growers
- Cabbage moth have been in plague numbers in some of our major Victorian growing areas particularly Werribee. This is why broccoli and cauliflower have held a high price in the market leading into this week.
- The heat has also caused a few issues for strawberry growers and we are seeing all berry lines tighten up on supply forcing all berry prices up a little.
- Rock melon, honey dew and pineapples have all been in quite short supply and this too is causing elevated price.
- Grapes and stone fruit are still offering great value with Thompson seedless grapes and queen garnet plums being super value.
- Aussie dragon fruit are coming into season now with both red and white varieties hitting the market. The mango season has been pretty poor this year with some of the best varieties like KP and R2E2 already finishing up. Luckily, we have some very good Calypso mangoes of excellent quality and well-priced at 2 for$5- .
- Water melon is also eating well and is great value at just $1.79 for the small whole melons.
- Don’t forget, now is time to make sauce and we have both 16kg and 10kg boxes of Roma tomatoes available at the moment. DO NOT MISS THE BOAT I think the sauce season will be fairly short this year. To compliment your sauce making we have 5kg bags of Jara brown onions for just $6-.
Get a little fresh with us and get saucy!
Cheers, Dean